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Slums in the City


For the Joy of the City


Christ has called every believer to give their life to him and his mission (Matt. 16:24, Matt. 28:19). We take that call seriously and consider it a joy to offer up the gifts that God has given us to worship him and build his kingdom.


We desire for our members to love and serve the city and our church by regularly serving with one of our local outreach partners and on our weekend serve teams. Review the opportunities below and then let us know how the Lord is leading you to serve!

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Mercy Kids

Deuteronomy 6:7-8 says "And these words that I command you today shall be on your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children." Mercy Kids Serve Team exists to partner with parents and guardians to disciple the next generation for the glory of God and the good of all people.



Prayer was central to Jesus’s ministry. Mercy Prayer Serve Team exists to humbly intercede on behalf of the church while teaching and modeling prayer for our members.


Mercy Worship

Mercy Worship Serve Team exists to lead corporate worship through music to the glory of God. In collaboration with pastors this team will ensure the music, prayers and sermons are aligned and point to the surpassing worth of following Jesus.



Mercy Production Serve Team exists to create a conducive worship environment that is welcoming to all people for the Glory of God. This team ensures the logistical quality of our worship services and events through audio engineering and mixing, as well as the control of visual media and lighting. 


Local Primary Schools

There are two local primary schools the Lord is leading us to partner with. We will be regularly serving/encouraging the teachers and hosting after school programs for the students.

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Mercy House

This is located on the 1st Floor of our building and is helping get women and children off the streets of Nairobi. Mercy House exists to make disciples through works of compassion that empower sustainable, independent living.

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