What can I expect when I visit?
When you first arrive at Mercy Nairobi for Sunday Worship Celebration, you’ll be greeted by members of our Church family, ready to serve you. Our services are tailored toward the spiritual formation of every participant. During service, we pray, sing psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs, listen actively to sermons, read the bible, participate in ordinances and celebrate together. Please stick around after the service ministers, and some members would love to meet you.

Have Kids?
Our Kids ministry partners with families to raise the next generation of disciples for the glory of God and the good of all people. Our kid's ministry is for newborns to class 6.
We welcome you to check in your kids into our kid's ministry, but also feel free to have them with you during service.
Upper Primary and Highschool
Our students' ministry partners with parents to raise the next generation of disciples for the glory of God and the good of all people. We welcome all youth to our Sunday worship celebration because we believe they are part of the body of Christ and such should participate, serve and contribute to the execution of Sunday worship celebration service.

Kingsway Nairobi Centre, 2nd Floor
Corner of Muindi Mbingu St & University Way