The Gospel in Jerusalem - Part 1/2023
We will be starting a 9-week series through the first 7 chapters of the Book of Acts! We will see how God began the movement known as his church. And in the process of seeing how the church was born, how it grew, and how it overcame fierce opposition, we receive fresh inspiration to join God on his mission today.

The Power to Live & Witness - Acts 1:1-14 - Allan Waruhiu Thuo 7/2/23
The Wait is Over - Acts 2:1-12 Allan Waruhiu Thuo 7/9/23
Anyone Who Calls on the Name of Jesus Will be Saved - Acts 2:14-41 - Allan Waruhiu Thuo 7/16/23
How to Become a Healthy Christian Community - Acts 2:40-47 - Allan Waruhiu Thou 7/23/23
Jesus has the Power to Heal, Save, & Sustain - Acts 3 - Allan Waruhiu Thou 7/30/23
Being with Jesus - Acts 4 - Jordan Kohman 8/6/23
If We Fake It We Won't Make It - Acts 5:1-16 - Allan Waruhiu Thuo 8/13/23
Growing Pains & Joys - ACTS 6:1-7 - Allan Waruhiu Thuo 8/20/23
Where is God and how can we have a relationship with him? Acts 7 - Allan Waruhiu Thuo - 8/27/23